Saddle Pad Cleaner and Soak


Cleans+freshens+preserves+softens. PH neutral saddle pad cleaner. Safe for your 100% wool saddle pads.

Superior cleaning for wool and other types of saddle pads. Breaks down and softens crust, sweat, grime, and hair. Use regularly to improve the look, smell, and feel of your pad, while extending it’s useful life. Works on horse blankets, tack, carpets, clothing, boots, and even cleaning your truck and trailer.

Instructions: Remove excess hair with a 5 Star sponge or a rubber curry comb. Thoroughly wet your 5 Star Saddle pad with warm water. Spray cleaner directly on the underside of saddle pad until completely wet. Let set 30 minutes. Then brush crust and hair away before rinsing well with water hose (do not use pressure washer.)

Cleans 4 to 6 pads per bottle.

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